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1. Attendance & Make-Up Policy:

In order for students to progress, they must attend class on a regular basis. This also includes being on time for class. Dancers should arrive approximately 10 minutes early before their class to prepare for class, use the bathroom, etc. If a dancer is going to be more than 10 minutes late, please call the front desk. All absences require notice to the front desk via phone call to the studio or through email. Please note that we do not have staff available to monitor children who are dropped off early or picked up late. Recreational dancers who miss more than 5 dance classes may be asked to complete a make-up class for missed technique.


2. Class Attire Policies:

Proper attire is required for each and every class. Teachers may request dancers to sit out and observe if not properly prepared for class. For safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted in any dance class. Students are asked to come to class in proper attire as made clear in the “Dress Code” portion of our website. Correct attire allows the teacher to view a student’s body alignment accurately. For this reason, loose fitting clothing such as pants and a baggy t-shirt are not allowed.



Students are asked to wear their hair pulled back into a ponytail for all classes excluding ballet. Hair for ballet is to be worn in a secure bun, no exceptions.



All dancers are required to bring and wear their necessary dance shoes to every class. Specifics can be found under the “Dress Code” portion of our website. No street shoes are allowed in the dance studios.


3. Classroom Policies:

  • There is absolutely NO FOOD permitted in the dance rooms.

  • Water is the only permitted beverage allowed in the dance rooms.

  • Dancers should be able to use their water bottles independently. We ask that dancers who are too young to open and close a single use water bottle please bring a child-friendly option to avoid spills in dance bags and in the dance room.

  • No gum chewing in class.

  • Do not enter the dance room without teacher permission; this includes adults.

  • Proper dance attire is strictly required including all necessary shoes. 

  • Ladies' hair must always be pulled back in a ponytail, bun or braid(s). If a male dancer has long hair it is expected that it be off the face.

  • Dancers may use the bathroom before or after class. No dancer is permitted to leave in the middle of class unless it is an emergency. 

  • Students should not touch the mirrors.

  • Students should not touch the barres, props, or acro equipment unless specifically instructed to do so. 

  • No street shoes allowed at any time.

  • Dancers should bring their dance bag in with them at the beginning of class.

  • Students should be respectful of their teacher and fellow students and realize that they are there to learn. Understand that corrections made by the teacher are constructive and are meant to be helpful. If someone is being corrected, students are asked to listen and watch.


4. Locker Room Policies:

The locker room is meant to be a place for all dancers to store their belongings and prepare for class. The locker room should never be used as a game/play room. We understand snacks are necessary for longer dance days but we expect everyone to clean up after themselves. Items left behind will be stored in the locker room lost and found. Any unclaimed items will be thrown away/donated at the end of each month. Just Dance Academy is not responsible for any lost/stolen/damaged items that are left in the locker room. We ask that dancers do their very best to clean up after themselves and leave the locker room cleaner than how they found it. The locker room is your space and your responsibility. 


5. Picture & Video Policy: 

There should be no photos or videos taken inside of the dance studios unless a teacher specifically says that it is OK to do so. This includes photos and videos of your own dancer. Dancers are responsible for remembering their choreography from week to week. An invitation to watch in the dance room is not an invitation to record on your phone. Our picture and video policy is strictly enforced for the safety and well being of our students and staff.


6. Behavior Policy:

Horseplay, foul language, disrespect, defiance, or disruptive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated inside Just Dance Academy from dancers OR family members. Teachers reserve the right to drop or remove any student(s) from class if the behavior policy is not followed or abided by. We have zero tolerance for any kind of bullying. Poor sportsmanship, bragging, teasing or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Parents will be immediately notified of any unacceptable behavior. 


7. Enrollment Policy:

Enrollment is based on a first come first serve basis. A minimum of five students is required for group classes to run for the season. The class schedule is subject to availability and change. Just Dance Academy reserves the right to cancel or combine classes at any time. 


8. Inclement Weather and Vacation Policy:

Just Dance Academy follows the North Andover Public School system for holidays, vacations, and inclement weather. If you have any questions, please send an email. Our social media accounts are always up to date regarding cancellations so we encourage you to follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If classes are canceled due to weather or holiday, a makeup class may be required. 


9. Health Policy:

You are the best judge of your child’s health. Please do not bring your child to dance if they are sick. This is for the protection of other dancers as well as our staff. Dancers must be fever free for 24 hours before coming back to dance. Coming to dance class is encouraged if you are feeling well enough to attend. Just Dance Academy is currently mask optional.


10. Insurance Policy:

Just Dance Academy does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all dance students be covered by their own family insurance policy. If injury occurs it is understood that the student’s own policy is your only source of reimbursement.


11. Costume Payment Policies:

  • Costume payments are completed in two payments due November 1st and December 1st.

  • Your child’s exact measurements will determine the costume size ordered.

  • Just Dance Academy is not responsible for any required/necessary alterations.

  • Costumes not paid on time will NOT be ordered. This may result in your dancer being unable to participate in our recital.

  • There are absolutely no refunds on ordered dance costumes. 

  • If your dancer has outgrown their costume size, a fee may be charged to cover any necessary express shipping and handling charges to obtain a new costume.

  • All balances will be processed using the card on file on the due date unless otherwise specified. 


12. Tuition Policies:

Tuition is pro-rated on a school year basis (September-June) and reflects that some months have fewer classes and some months have more classes. Tuition is based on an approximate 35 lessons per season wherein the overall rate is divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Absolutely no discounts will be given for missed classes due to vacations, sickness, or personal breaks. Tuition is due on the 1st of every month and will be processed between the first and fifth of the month. Every dancer is required to have an ACH form on file for billing purposes. Tuition that is left unpaid by the 10th of the month will incur a $25 late charge. Tuition that is left unpaid by the 25th of the month will incur a $50 late fee.

All balances must be paid in full by June 10th. Dancers with balances at this time will not be permitted to perform in the annual recital. 

All balances will be processed using the card on file unless otherwise specified. If a card is declined for any reason, a $25 fee will be applied to your account to cover bank fees.


13. Recital and Dress Rehearsal Policies:

  • All studio fees must be paid in full by June 10th or the student will not be allowed to participate in the show.

  • All students enrolled at Just Dance Academy are expected to perform at our Annual Recital.

  • Dress rehearsals are mandatory for every dancer. No exceptions. If a dancer fails to attend dress rehearsal they may be excluded from the recital performance. 

  • Dress rehearsal implies that dancers are in FULL costume, hair, makeup, and accessories. 

  • Recital is held at the end of June and tickets will go on sale in May. Tickets are sold online.

  • All dancers participating in recital are required to pay a Family Production Fee. This includes a finale t-shirt and recital video that will be emailed as a digital download from our videographer. Family Production Fees are due by April 1st, 2024. 


14. Refund Policy:

Tuition, registration fees, costume payments, competition fees, recital fees and recital tickets, are non-refundable and non-transferable. 


15. Returned Check/Declined Card Policy:

A $25 return check fee will be applied for any checks returned for insufficient funds. After two returned checks, only cash will be accepted. Any transaction that is declined will incur an additional $25 decline fee. It is your responsibility to notify the desk of any card info changes and updates. This includes if your card is stolen, etc.


16. Forms of Payment:

Checks, Cash, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted forms of payment. To ensure payments are received on time, we require all accounts to leave a credit or debit card on file with us. If a balance is not paid by the set due date, the card on file will be charged for that amount. Recurring payments will be made using our automated clearing house, ACH payments. By agreeing to recurring billing you authorize regularly scheduled charges to your Visa, Discover, or MasterCard. You will be charged each billing period for the total amount due for that period. Charges will appear on your credit card statement.


17. Registration Fee: 

An annual non-refundable registration fee of $35.00 per student is required at the time of registration. Registration fees are non-transferable and are not subject to sibling discounts.


18. Communication Policy

For documentation purposes, all absences, questions, conflicts, and concerns should be emailed directly to We do not have someone at our desk at all times so email is the best way to get in touch with our staff.


Please refrain from using texting or Facebook as methods of communication unless there is an emergency. 


All emails will be replied to in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience as we try to best serve all families at our studio. Please allow 2-3 business days before emailing us with a follow up. We assure you we will answer all inquiries as soon as possible. Please respect that we will not answer any texts, phone calls, or emails, after 8pm. Weekend emails may not be answered until Monday.

© 2016 by Just Dance Academy . 978-68-DANCE . 360 Merrimack Street Lawrence, MA . Building 9 Entry J . Third Floor .

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